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"Round Table" Philosophy

As many of us know, the legend of King Arthur refers to the importance of the “Round Table.” King Arthur came up with the idea of the round table to make sure that his noblemen, when seated, would not “claim precedence” over each other and share their thoughts in all fairness. The noblemen would sit down while eating and drinking, and hold discussions, brainstorm, and share their perspectives. The round table symbolized the idea of communication, equality, and freedom. Fast forward from the Medieval Era to now, the round table philosophy somewhat stays intact with international organizations and many governmental institutions.

Unfortunately, this has been neglected by people in general and within the family home. There are a lot of reasons why, but this article pinpoints the importance of the round table in today’s world and encourages everyone to recreate it with their family and friends.

Let’s concentrate on how to recreate the roundtable and what is needed:

  1. Plan ahead of time and schedule it with your family members and/or your friends. If you have a busy schedule and "spontaneous" is not your way to go, make it seem like an event for yourself. According to your schedule, create a monthly or weekly round table get-together.

  2. Take out your china dishes and favorite kitchen supplies to make it look beautiful. Clean the space. Treat yourself to a royal setup.

  3. Don't stress out about food. If you have time, definitely cook and engage your family/friends in the process. Put your favorite music in the background and enjoy the vibe. If you do not have that time to cook, order from your favorite restaurant, just make sure it's a healthier option. Always remember, healthy food is nature’s medicine! Order a separate plate of vegetables, salads, protein, and a portion of healthy carbs.

  4. Discuss ideas, events, books, movies, your past, your future, your happy and sad moments, your worries, and your achievements. Listen to your friends, family members- really LISTEN. Brainstorm together, laugh, and just let go. Be the real you!

  5. Turn off your TV and put away your phone/gadgets for at least an hour.

  6. Don't rush! Take your time! Taste the food, communicate clearly, listen carefully and feel the moment.

The benefits of such events in your life are tremendous. First of all, you spend time and make memories with people that you love and feel connected to. Second of all, it is very therapeutic after a long week, it is a rechargeable moment for you and everyone involved. You dive into the joy and harmony. You will feel grounded. Sharing food and "eating together confirms the sense of belonging, being part of a community". It is a way to build strong relationships, improve communication, and be in the moment.

During my consultations, we brainstorm on healthy choices for the "round table" menu and prepare a grocery list for the event. For more information about individual wellness plans, please email

Your wellness coach,


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