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"I'm with child" - Wellness during pregnancy.

At about 7:30 am, I woke up from the first signs of very mild contractions. I had a doctor's appointment scheduled that day at 10:00 am. I slowly began getting ready, cleaning the house, and attempted breathing through it. Finally, I was at the doctor's office and 2cm dilated. I was sent to the hospital to deliver the baby. It was the wildest experience of my life. Genuinely, labor felt like I was going into the darkness both physically and mentally, but, once I met my baby, there was my light at the end of the tunnel. It is true when people say that once your child is born only then do you understand the true meaning of love. The most beautiful and fulfilling experience of all.

Pregnancy and wellness.

There is no ultimate guideline that applies specifically to every single woman on this planet on what is needed to be done during pregnancy. Every single pregnancy is so different and unique that your wellness approach should be on an individual basis along with the guidance of your doctor and a wellness consultant. Some women breeze through pregnancy, while some have the most difficult time, and some are in the middle. As a wellness practitioner, I recommend bringing awareness to your body's needs in regards to nutrition, lifestyle, attitude, and exercise during pregnancy. Let's take a look at every aspect of wellness:


Nutrition is an essential well-being aspect for future mamas. If you are someone who is not experiencing any problems with nausea and vomiting ( or in extreme circumstances Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG)), your nutrition should be clean:

  • Protein concentrated and

  • Full of vitamins through eating lots of fruits and vegetable

  • Lots of Water

Observe your cravings, usually your body provides clues on what is needed more of at certain times. For example, during my last trimester, I was craving strawberries, which are high in vitamin C, antioxidants, fiber, potassium, and folate - all essentials during your pregnancy.

In the case of HG or generalized severe nausea, the best advice is to talk to your doctor about what options are available for you. For HG and severe nausea, sometimes IV Therapy is necessary to make sure you are getting enough vitamins and fluids in your system. In case you do require medical treatment in form of nausea pills, make sure you consult your doctor on its side effects like constipation, dizziness, drowsiness, etc.

Here are some suggestions on treating severe nausea:

  • IV Fluid Therapy

  • Acupuncture

  • Try to eat food from your childhood, ask your mom/grandma/parent what was given often to eat when you were a baby.

In regards to prenatal vitamins, some women do not take them and that's ok, your body usually knows what it needs and you can get the necessary vitamins through food. The supplemented vitamins are there to support your organism since the baby is taking so much from you. However, the most important supplemented vitamins that you do need are:

  • Folate/folic acid/complex of vitamin B

  • vitamin D

  • vitamin C

  • vitamin A

  • Iron

  • Calcium


It is important to make yourself walk as much as you can. I know it might be a difficult task to do, especially in your third trimester, but your body will recover so much better after the delivery and you will get back to your original weight sooner. In addition, a good 20-30 minutes walk along with prenatal yoga will balance your "jumpy" hormones. Find a local gym, or yoga studio for prenatal classes or just youtube it, there are so many options! You will thank yourself for sticking to an exercise routine during your pregnancy!


Dress up. Go to brunch and dinners. Travel to another country (consult your doctor on the traveling in your 3rd trimester). Celebrate holidays. Work. Shop. Get a prenatal massage. Spend time with your family and friends. Take care of yourself. Live your life and get excited about your future!


Your hormones are working hard and the first trimester is a rollercoaster. You are trying to survive the ups and downs. And the only thing that could be on the mind is to feel ok and have a nice meal without visiting the bathroom. It is understandable and during days like this, just be, no need to feel upset, frustrated, or down. You are making a human being so be proud of yourself, say words of gratitude to your body for being so strong and amazing, and talk to your baby.

Here are some tips on how to make yourself feel better:

  • Weekly gratitude journal - every week write how your feel and thank your body, mind, and soul for working so hard and going through the changes. Draw a fruit/vegetable representing what size your baby is each week.

  • Fresh Air - whenever you can get outside. If possible, try to go for a walk at least 3 times a week for an hour or daily for 20-30 minutes.

  • Express yourself- discuss your concerns, and worries with the women in your life, they will always understand what you are going through and will make you feel better.

  • Slow down - you are pregnant, so take as many naps as you want, do not stress, and say no to anything that doesn't feel right, meditate, and walk slower. Just overall slow down and make yourself a priority.

It is the most interesting, challenging, rewarding and exiting time! Congratulations to all the mamas to be! You got this.

Your wellness coach,

Ilona :)

P.S. For additional questions or more info about my 30 minutes online consultation for pregnant mamas, please send an email to

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